...executive leadership services
supporting your leaders and staff to reach high achievement….
Executive Coaching
Organizations need every advantage they can find to be more adept, more agile, more focused in order to achieve the results they need to serve their constituents. Executive coaching is an experiential and individual process that helps already successful leaders to rapidly find innovative solutions to perplexing questions or issues, and thrive in a complex, ever-changing environment. It also helps transforms line managers into leaders, building the capacity and confidence to lead teams and their organization to success. Executive coaching helps leaders clarify direction and destination, unleashes potential and resources, accelerates progress, removes obstacles and builds bridges. It is conducted through one-on-one and/or group methodologies using techniques from a variety of disciplines.
Staff Care
SFV Consulting Group knows first hand the importance of staff care in development. In stressful, over-whelming, and/or emergency situations, staff require particular attention to their own well-being in order to safe-guard themselves as well as to keep the organization operating well. Dula James has had extensive experience during her 26 year service in development in managing and mentoring staff under difficult circumstances. She is able to provide solutions to organizations through one-on-one coaching and group work to staff. She is also able to guide management in creating policies, procedures, and mechanisms to ensure staff care in their organizations.
For a referral, please contact SFV Consulting Group.